About Us

About TPJ Realty

I’ve always felt a name is important. When I went to name my real estate brokerage I knew the name needed to be just as significant. I wanted to create a culture for both the clients and agents that is governed by quality, integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, overcoming challenges, selflessness and pushing to always achieve the best possible results.

These values are all characteristics I watched in my dad as he got up at 4:30am daily to work at the VA, fighting through limiting policies to do the right things for employees and veterans. At his retirement party, many of his employees were in tears telling me what a good man he is and how much he did for all of them.

I’m honored to have opened Thomas P Jacobs Real Estate & Investment (TPJ Realty Group) and hope we will live up to the legacy he’s left with so many people throughout his career and his life.

Thank you Dad, for being an incredible example and for giving me the values and work ethic that have shaped the foundation and future of Thomas P Jacobs Real Estate & Investment.